Monday, April 13, 2009

Imagine Series Overview

Worship. Learn. Serve. Those are our core values at CCO. While our individual ministries recruit to serve at a lot of internal opportunities – as a church we don’t offer a lot of external opportunities to serve. Our Sunday morning messages will expose the text of Matthew 25 concerning what Jesus said about doing “for the least of these”. Along with that, the writer James says, we must be more than hearers of the Word. We will also be exposing opportunities of local projects and ministries that our people, families, LifeGroups, and Church can wrap our arms around.

Our aim is not that people from CCO just fill a bag with stuff and pat themselves on the back. We want everyone to find an external opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to “the least of these” and maybe connect with them for ongoing service and ministry.

Imagine what God could do with a life that is sold out for His story. Imagine what God could do through a community of believers that desire nothing more than to make the name of Jesus known. We want to hear and see the story that God is writing with your life as we journey this road together. Imagine.

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